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at G

at G mileage is available as payment for the market at G shopping mall


M2C/B2C platform which directly connects consumers and distributors

Merchants and consumers both benefit from using the market at G platform, as there are no intermediary retailers, effectively reducing distribution costs.


Through the headquarter and field MD’s (merchandise directors) involvement in the distribution process, market at G is able to offer high quality products to customers at reasonable prices. Also, because market at G is linked to at G pay, users will receive rewards based on their referrals.


at G mileage rewards upon user purchases

at G mileage 

Referral rewards upon referee purchases


at G market usage notice

market at G can only be accessed through the at G pay app.

When purchasing a product on market at G, make sure to press "confirm." 
​- You must press "confirm" within 14 days of purchasing a product.
- After a purchase has been confirmed, no refunds will be issued.
- After a purchase has been confirmed, no refunds will be issued.
market at G referral rewards system
- at G mileage referral rewards are immediately distributed among 5 referrers after purchase confirmation.
- Users must press "purchase confirmation" after they receive a product in order for the at G mileage referral rewards to be distributed.
Please confirm purchases as soon as possible after receiving a product.
구매확정 연장 가능
- 구매확정 연장은 1회에 10일씩, 최대 2회까지(총20일까지) 연장할 수 있으며,
​   자동 구매확정
예정 3일 전부터 진행가능합니다.
- 자동 구매확정 당일에는 구매확정 연장이 불가하며, 재연장 시 별도의 알림이 발송되지 않습니다.
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